Codex: Genestealer Cults

Codex: Genestealer Cults

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A Genestealer Cult is a community of Genestealers, Genestealer hybrids, as well as the completely human convert-hosts, infected victims and genetic relatives known as Brood Brothers, existing secretly within another society. Cults form if a Genestealer infects members of another species with its genotype. The resultant changes in the genome of the host cause a fanatical loyalty to t…
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A Genestealer Cult is a community of Genestealers, Genestealer hybrids, as well as the completely human convert-hosts, infected victims and genetic relatives known as Brood Brothers, existing secretly within another society.

Cults form if a Genestealer infects members of another species with its genotype. The resultant changes in the genome of the host cause a fanatical loyalty to the Genestealers as well as a drastic change to their reproductive system; their firstborn children will be Hybrids, a grotesque mixture of the host's race and Genestealers. These hybrids infect further victims, and the infection spreads exponentially. Fourth generation hybrids produce Purestrain Genestealers, and the cycle starts once again.

The resulting brood of Purestrains, hybrids and Brood Brothers is held together by strong psychic and genetic bonds and assembles around the original Genestealer which becomes the Patriarch. Because the cult is often hidden behind the facade of a religion or political movement, it is branded a Genestealer Cult by the Imperium.

The definitive Codex for all Genestealer Cults collectors.

This highly detailed book contains;

In-depth background and lore on the Genestealer Cults, how they take over planets and prepare them for the Great Devourer, plus their infestation of Chalnath.
Rousing artwork that will inspire your cults to acts of exemplary sedition
All the rules you need to play your Genestealer Cults army, including 22 datasheets covering every unit from the Reductus Saboteur to the lowly Acoylte and venerated Patriarch
A full suite of rules for playing Crusade and narrative games, including Agendas, Battle Traits, Requisitions, Crusade Relics, plus rules for following the Path to Ascension, letting you foster your very own Cult uprising
An 'Eavy Metal miniatures showcase full of lovingly painted Genestealer Cults miniatures.