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Cockroach Poker English Edition
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Cockroach Poker English Edition

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What is Cockroach Poker, and does it even have anything to do with traditional Poker? Well no, not really. Aside from the fact that Cockroach Poker is a game of extreme bluffing – like poker – it couldn’t be more different. The cards used in the game are not queens, 10s or aces, but instead they are stunk bugs, cockroaches (of course) and rats. What is the point of…
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What is Cockroach Poker, and does it even have anything to do with traditional Poker?

Well no, not really. Aside from the fact that Cockroach Poker is a game of extreme bluffing – like poker – it couldn’t be more different. The cards used in the game are not queens, 10s or aces, but instead they are stunk bugs, cockroaches (of course) and rats.

What is the point of the game?

The main goal is for a player to collect 4 of any one critter – this equates to an instant loss!

Inside the deck you have a set of 64 cards. There are 8 copies of each critter inside the deck, shuffled and shared out between the players.

What happens on my turn?

When it is your turn to play, you will take one card from your hand of cards, and lay it face down on the table. You will then slide your card over to a player of your choice – who do you want to sabotage? You will declare the type of critter which you have sent their way and, before the other player turns the card over, they have the chance to decide whether they think what you’re is saying is true or false. They will accept the card and turn it over. If they were incorrect in their decision, they will have to keep their card in front of their deck, facing upwards. If they were correct, you will have to have it face up in front of your deck. 

The game ends when a player has no cards to pass, or when a player has four cards of the same critter on the table.

Player Count: 2-6

Play Time: 20mins

Age: 8+


Fun for Kids


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • Very easy to learn.
  • Fun competitive dynamic.
  • Playable amongst any group.

Might Not Like

  • Lack of strategic depth.
  • Potential sense of lack of conclusion.
  • Can be very competitive.
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What is Cockroach Poker, and does it even have anything to do with traditional Poker?

Well no, not really. Aside from the fact that Cockroach Poker is a game of extreme bluffing - like poker - it couldn't be more different. The cards used in the game are not queens, 10s or aces, but instead they are stunk bugs, cockroaches (of course) and rats.

What is the point of the game?

The main goal is for a player to collect 4 of any one critter - this equates to an instant loss!

Inside the deck you have a set of 64 cards. There are 8 copies of each critter inside the deck, shuffled and shared out between the players.

What happens on my turn?

When it is your turn to play, you will take one card from your hand of cards, and lay it face down on the table. You will then slide your card over to a player of your choice - who do you want to sabotage? You will declare the type of critter which you have sent their way and, before the other player turns the card over, they have the chance to decide whether they think what you're is saying is true or false. They will accept the card and turn it over. If they were incorrect in their decision, they will have to keep their card in front of their deck, facing upwards. If they were correct, you will have to have it face up in front of your deck. 

The game ends when a player has no cards to pass, or when a player has four cards of the same critter on the table.

Player Count: 2-6

Play Time: 20mins

Age: 8+

Cockroach Poker Game Review

Cockroach Poker is a game that is incredibly simple, but it comes with satisfying depth.

Playing the Game

All 64 cards are dealt out to the players and the aim is to bluff your opponents into wrongly ‘guessing’ whether the card you have placed in front of them is what you say it is. If they guess correctly, the card goes face-up in front of you.

There are eight different species, and you want to end up with no more than three of any one species face-up in front of you. If you get a fourth, you lose. And if you run out of cards to play, you lose. Instead of guessing, you can pick up the card look at it and then place it in front of another player, either stating that the card is the same little creature or maybe one of the other seven, bringing additional information or misinformation into the mix.

The depth of the game comes from using the knowledge that you have of the cards in your hand and those that have been placed in front of yourself and others to help you to try and devise whether your opponent is likely to be lying or telling the truth.

Further to this is the ability to use your opponent’s face-up cards against them. If they already have three spiders, and you place a card in front of them and tell them it is a spider, they may be far more likely to say true, as the risk is so much greater for them. This can allow you to offload cards which may present a problem for you.

Meanwhile, the other players are using the same knowledge against you. As a result, you can end up having to place cards which will result in defeat. So, who do you put them in front of and what do you say?

In Cockroach Poker there is only a loser, which may create a sense of a lack of conclusion for some. However, for me this is part of the game’s charm. It results in targeting certain people in an attempt to avoid personal disaster and can bring out the right kind of competition and a sense of in game personal battles.

Final Thoughts on Cockroach Poker

The great joy of Cockroach Poker is learning just how bad you and others can be at bluffing. Another joy is watching people who have thought and overthought their tactics become increasingly desperate. Watching as their opponents continue to either guess correctly or shrewdly discern whether they are lying or not, through their body language, false bravado or shifty eyes.

More than anything Cockroach Poker is just very funny. Watching people being called out by friends, partners or children is funny. This results in a lot of laughter and gentle mockery. Some may want more from the game, as it is , on one level, just a guessing game where you get lucky or not. However, to me there are so many levels that make it so much more.

One minor issue is that whilst there is a lot of interaction, it can be between select people. As a result, you may be left with nothing to do for some turns. However, this is only in larger games Of course, this is offset by watching the drama unfold.

Whilst the components are very simple, just 64 cards made up of eight sets of eight, each card is individual and the artwork (by Rolf Vogt) is charming with a cartoon like quality meaning that I did not feel short changed by the purchase of this deck.

Games can be very quick, lasting 10 to 20 minutes, and can be played in almost any group. It’s a game you can play last after a few drinks. Whilst it’s also a game to play with children just before bed. The level of complexity is up to the players involved and I have always found it a popular choice.

Editors note: This blog was originally published on Juen 17th, 2019. Updated on May 8th, 2024 to improve the information available.

Cockroach Poker by this point has become a modern classic in card games and mainly because of its simplicity to play but also the great moments it creates.

The deck is made up of sixty-four cards, all varieties of creepy critters. There are eight of each type split up into the following categories.

● Rats

● Bats

● Scorpions

● Spiders

● Cockroaches

● Stink bugs

● Flies

● Toads

Most of them are pretty immediately recognisable however it is worth noting that cockroaches and stink bugs can look similar at a glance so when teaching or learning I suggest highlighting that cockroaches are orange and stink bugs are green. Every other creature is pretty clear. Also in the back of every card is a reminder of the eight suits in the game to aid with the bluffing!

The Gameplay

Cockroach Poker is a game of bluffing and lying. You start by dealing the deck evenly between the players and then selecting someone to go first.

On a turn, a player simply takes one card from their hand, lays it face down on the table, slides it to a player of their choice, and declares a type of critter, e.g., “Stink bug”. The player receiving the card then has two options:

1) Accept the card: say either “true” or “false”, then reveal the card. If this player is wrong in their claim, they keep the card on the table in front of them face up; if they are right, the player who gave them the card places it face up in front of them.

2) Peek at the card: Look at the card secretly and pass it face down to another player. You can then repeat the original type of critter or say a new type claiming the previous player as a liar. This new player again has the choice of accepting the card or passing it, unless the card has already been seen by all other players, in which case the player must take the first option.

Whoever lost a challenge and had to place the card before them on the table begins the next round. The game ends when a player has no cards to pass on their turn or when a player has four cards of the same critter on the table in front of them. In either case, this player loses and everyone else wins!

Player Count: on the box it says two to six players. I have played this with groups of up to 12 with no problems at all. When playing with higher player counts, I usually do one draw pile rather than distributing the cards and also limit the loser to having two of a kind in front of them rather than four. This works really well and also adds a level of memory as a card gets passed around a larger group.

Age Recommendation: On the box it recommends eight years and over however I have been playing this with my nephew since he was five or six and he still loves it now at eleven years old. There is nothing a small child loves more than having permission to lie!

Tell us how you game goes by heading over to our Instagram!

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • Very easy to learn.
  • Fun competitive dynamic.
  • Playable amongst any group.

Might not like

  • Lack of strategic depth.
  • Potential sense of lack of conclusion.
  • Can be very competitive.