Close Encounters: Pagan Content Pack

Close Encounters: Pagan Content Pack

RRP: 14.99
Now €15.40(SAVE 14%)
RRP €17.99
Expected Release Date 31/12/2024
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Category Tags , , , , SKU ZBG-CAPPAGCP02 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The Close Encounters Content Pack expands the base game by casting a spotlight on the harsh life within the village in Pagan: Fate of Roanoke. The Hunter’s overwhelming presence is really taking its toll, as ever more the villagers are living their lives in fear — if not shackles. A kind word here, a surreptitious suggestion there, has the civilian sentiment shifting in the Witch’s favor, while turning the Hunter’s efforts against themselves.

Includes a pre-built decklist to get you started so you can jump right into the action! Or, you can craft your own custom deck to the play-style of your own making!

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The Close Encounters Content Pack expands the base game by casting a spotlight on the harsh life within the village in Pagan: Fate of Roanoke. The Hunter’s overwhelming presence is really taking its toll, as ever more the villagers are living their lives in fear — if not shackles. A kind word here, a surreptitious suggestion there, has the civilian sentiment shifting in the Witch’s favor, while turning the Hunter’s efforts against themselves.

Includes a pre-built decklist to get you started so you can jump right into the action! Or, you can craft your own custom deck to the play-style of your own making!