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King Ded is dead – hairless and heirless. Now war has arrived in Unstablovakia, and the kingdom’s only hope is two incompetent mercenary ‘heroes’. Rob, a delusional goblin, and Dop, his silent doppelganger sidekick, hope this war means steady work with a side of fortune and fame, hopefully without getting them killed. Journey with these two dum-dums as they s…
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King Ded is dead - hairless and heirless. Now war has arrived in Unstablovakia, and the kingdom's only hope is two incompetent mercenary 'heroes'. Rob, a delusional goblin, and Dop, his silent doppelganger sidekick, hope this war means steady work with a side of fortune and fame, hopefully without getting them killed. Journey with these two dum-dums as they scheme among the five factions that have sprung up to claim the throne. Based on Claim, the hit fantasy card game from Deep Water Games, Claim: A Song of Ire and Vice serves up swords, sorcery, and satire in a crazy, kingdom-stealing caper.