Civilization V (5) Game of the Year Edition - PC

Civilization V (5) Game of the Year Edition – PC

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During the centuries that pass, you have to prove your leadership qualities in several areas. It is important to make technological progress through research and strategic alliances with other civilizations through diplomacy. In addition, you can attack enemy empires through large-scale wars, where you can strategically direct large armies to win the battle. Throughout the story yo…
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During the centuries that pass, you have to prove your leadership qualities in several areas. It is important to make technological progress through research and strategic alliances with other civilizations through diplomacy.

In addition, you can attack enemy empires through large-scale wars, where you can strategically direct large armies to win the battle. Throughout the story you will also meet famous historical figures such as Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and George Washington.

The Game of the Year Edition includes:

- The four Cradle of Civilization DLC map packs
- Double Civilization and Scenario DLC pack: Spain and Inca
- Civilization and Scenario pack: Polynesia
Babylon Civilization DLC pack
- Official digital soundtrack