Civil War: Punisher War Journal (Paperback)

Civil War: Punisher War Journal (Paperback)

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Hey, there, Marvel Universe. He's back - with a vengeance! Taking no prisoners. Literally. With Civil War in full throttle mode, Frank Castle is feeling the heat. His safe houses have been raided, his munitions seized, and he's square in the crosshairs of a Marvel Universe big gun who always gets his man. Until now, this wasn't Frank's war. But when Spandex-clad baddies start carryi…
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Hey, there, Marvel Universe. He's back - with a vengeance! Taking no prisoners. Literally. With Civil War in full throttle mode, Frank Castle is feeling the heat. His safe houses have been raided, his munitions seized, and he's square in the crosshairs of a Marvel Universe big gun who always gets his man. Until now, this wasn't Frank's war. But when Spandex-clad baddies start carrying badges, well, let's just say that's something the Punisher can't abide. Brought to you by rising star Matt Fraction (Invincible Iron Man), with eye-popping art by superstar Ariel Olivetti (Last Avenges Story).