Children of the Five Winds: Legend of the Five Rings RPG

Children of the Five Winds: Legend of the Five Rings RPG

RRP: £49.99
Now £46.39(SAVE 7%)
RRP £49.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2025
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Children of the Five Winds contains a caravan’s worth of material for players and game masters alike. The supplement delves deep into the history, culture, and magical traditions of the Unicorn Clan, offering a wealth of new content: Rich Lore: Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of the Unicorn Clan, from their centuries-long journey beyond the borders of Rokugan to their …
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-ESL5R18EN Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Children of the Five Winds contains a caravan’s worth of material for players and game masters alike. The supplement delves deep into the history, culture, and magical traditions of the Unicorn Clan, offering a wealth of new content:

Rich Lore: Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of the Unicorn Clan, from their centuries-long journey beyond the borders of Rokugan to their triumphant return, as well as the legacy of the Fox Clan samurai who stayed behind in Rokugan.
New Playable Schools: Expand your stable of potential characters with new schools that highlight the Unicorn’s unique strengths, as well as traditions from the Sand Road and beyond.
New Character Options: You’ll also find plenty of new advantages and disadvantages, titles, gear, steeds, and magical treasures to flesh out and equip your samurai, scholars, and wanderers.
New Techniques: Master new abilities that blend Rokugani traditions with foreign practices, offering your character the upper hand on the battlefield, in court, and on the open road.
GM Resources: Game Masters will find a wealth of adventure hooks, NPCs, and new rules for running intrigues with spirits, all of which help to bring the lands beyond Rokugan to life in your campaigns.
Unicorn-Focused Adventure: Included in this book is “The Lost Writer,” an adventure based in the City of the Rich Frog that’s the perfect introduction to the Unicorn Clan. Originally debuted at Gen Con 2023, GMs will now be able to run it for their own groups!

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Children of the Five Winds contains a caravan’s worth of material for players and game masters alike. The supplement delves deep into the history, culture, and magical traditions of the Unicorn Clan, offering a wealth of new content:

Rich Lore: Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of the Unicorn Clan, from their centuries-long journey beyond the borders of Rokugan to their triumphant return, as well as the legacy of the Fox Clan samurai who stayed behind in Rokugan.
New Playable Schools: Expand your stable of potential characters with new schools that highlight the Unicorn’s unique strengths, as well as traditions from the Sand Road and beyond.
New Character Options: You’ll also find plenty of new advantages and disadvantages, titles, gear, steeds, and magical treasures to flesh out and equip your samurai, scholars, and wanderers.
New Techniques: Master new abilities that blend Rokugani traditions with foreign practices, offering your character the upper hand on the battlefield, in court, and on the open road.
GM Resources: Game Masters will find a wealth of adventure hooks, NPCs, and new rules for running intrigues with spirits, all of which help to bring the lands beyond Rokugan to life in your campaigns.
Unicorn-Focused Adventure: Included in this book is “The Lost Writer,” an adventure based in the City of the Rich Frog that’s the perfect introduction to the Unicorn Clan. Originally debuted at Gen Con 2023, GMs will now be able to run it for their own groups!