Cavalry of the Grand Alliance

Cavalry of the Grand Alliance

RRP: £24.00
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RRP £24.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Cavalry tactics during the period were in transition. Some cavalry were still firing their pistols at the enemy to disrupt their formation before closing at the trot, a tactic that had proved successful against pike armed infantry. Within this boxed set you will find all the parts necessary to recreate many of the cavalry squadrons that fought for the Grand Alliance. Each box is d…
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Category Tags , SKU ZWAG-302015004 Availability Backorder
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Cavalry tactics during the period were in transition. Some cavalry were still firing their pistols at the enemy to disrupt their formation before closing at the trot, a tactic that had proved successful against pike armed infantry.

Within this boxed set you will find all the parts necessary to recreate many of the cavalry squadrons that fought for the Grand Alliance. Each box is designed to allow you to create a 12 strong squadron, consisting of 9 cavalrymen, one standard bear, one bugler and one officer.

The variety of heads and bodies allow you to re-create numerous cavalry types, as well as allowing you to personalise your army and make each unit unique. Grenadier heads have also been included for your to model the elite Horse Grenadier squadrons.

Included are standard cavalry bodies, which may be combined with tricorne heads to produce line cavalry. Also, bodies with cuirass are provided for heavier cavalry who may also have tricornes or the heavy 'Lobster Pot' design. For those of you who wish to use these miniatures to represent Dragoons, spare muskets have also been provided to model this often underrated troop type.