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It is common in times of great turmoil for people to rely on their faith to give them hope, no matter how dark things may seem. The Monsterpocalypse is no different. Religious organizations provide relief for many victims, helping them to resettle and sometimes providing refuges when the danger is highest. The Cathedral is a new building that any player can add to their city. These …
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Category Tag SKU ZWCS-PIP51100 Availability Backorder
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It is common in times of great turmoil for people to rely on their faith to give them hope, no matter how dark things may seem. The Monsterpocalypse is no different. Religious organizations provide relief for many victims, helping them to resettle and sometimes providing refuges when the danger is highest. The Cathedral is a new building that any player can add to their city. These places of worship provide much-needed basic resources to those fighting for Earth, both in the form of Charity and guidance.