Catchables Core 2-Pack 4

Catchables Core 2-Pack 4

RRP: 9.99
Now €11.79
RRP €11.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Completing the core series, Catchables Core 2-Pack #4 features two characters that epitomize the creativity and fun of the Catchables line. These figures not only stand out as collectibles but also provide unique gameplay experiences in the companion digital game, ensuring that players have a diverse array of strategies and characters at their disposal.
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-EKCATKEXP44R Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Completing the core series, Catchables Core 2-Pack #4 features two characters that epitomize the creativity and fun of the Catchables line. These figures not only stand out as collectibles but also provide unique gameplay experiences in the companion digital game, ensuring that players have a diverse array of strategies and characters at their disposal.