CATAN Cities & knights 5-6 Player Expansion 6th Edition

CATAN Cities & knights 5-6 Player Expansion 6th Edition

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Expected Release Date 11/04/2025
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Gather more knights to defend the island of Catan! When barbarians gather on the shores, you need even more friends to help. Invite up to two additional players to your CATAN – Cities & Knights game for even more excitement! The 5-6 Player Expansion adds additional pieces and components for more players and adds a simple turn-taking mechanism to engage more players throughout.
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Category Age Rating10+ Tags , , , SKU ZBG-CN3088 Availability Out of stock
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Gather more knights to defend the island of Catan! When barbarians gather on the shores, you need even more friends to help. Invite up to two additional players to your CATAN – Cities & Knights game for even more excitement! The 5-6 Player Expansion adds additional pieces and components for more players and adds a simple turn-taking mechanism to engage more players throughout.

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Gather more knights to defend the island of Catan! When barbarians gather on the shores, you need even more friends to help. Invite up to two additional players to your CATAN – Cities & Knights game for even more excitement! The 5-6 Player Expansion adds additional pieces and components for more players and adds a simple turn-taking mechanism to engage more players throughout.