Castle on the Hill: Castles and Crusades

Castle on the Hill: Castles and Crusades

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Long ago men built the Eniel-ot-Blaud, the Tower on the Blue River. But it fell to the ravages of time and the depredations of the wild and its name was forgotten. But its power remained, and it is now home to the Green Wizard and his despotic rule of the central Darkenfold. Few have seen him, but all fear him. And he moves at last, his arm reaching across the wide forest bringing h…
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Long ago men built the Eniel-ot-Blaud, the Tower on the Blue River. But it fell to the ravages of time and the depredations of the wild and its name was forgotten. But its power remained, and it is now home to the Green Wizard and his despotic rule of the central Darkenfold. Few have seen him, but all fear him. And he moves at last, his arm reaching across the wide forest bringing his evil home to roost. A high-level adventure for a party of 3-6 characters. Play as stand-alone or part of a larger series.