Case of Alan Turing, The (Hardback)

Case of Alan Turing, The (Hardback)

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Alan Turing, subject of the Oscar-winning 2014 film The Imitation Game (Black Bear, 2014), was the brilliant mathematician solicited by the British government to help decipher messages sent by Germany's Enigma machines during World War II. The work of Turing and his colleagues at Hut 8 created what became known as the 'bombe' which descrambled the German navy's messages and saved co…
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Alan Turing, subject of the Oscar-winning 2014 film The Imitation Game (Black Bear, 2014), was the brilliant mathematician solicited by the British government to help decipher messages sent by Germany's Enigma machines during World War II. The work of Turing and his colleagues at Hut 8 created what became known as the 'bombe' which descrambled the German navy's messages and saved countless lives. Authors Liberge and Delalande used this information to create a biography that is scientifically rigorous yet understandable for the lay reader.