Cards Against Humanity UK Edition V2.0
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"Cards Against Humanity: A party game for horrible people."
Play begins with a judge, known as the "Card Czar", choosing a black question or fill-in-the-blank card from the top of the deck and showing it to all players. Each player holds a hand of ten white answer cards at the beginning of each round, and passes a card (sometimes two) to the Card Czar, face-down, representing their answer to the question on the card. The card czar determines which answer card(s) are funniest in the context of the question or fill-in-the-blank card. The player who submitted the chosen card(s) is given the question card to represent an "Awesome Point", and then the player to the left of the new Card Czar becomes the new Czar for the next round. Play continues until the players agree to stop, at which point the player with the most Awesome Points is the winner.
This, so far, sounds like the popular and fairly inoffensive Apples to Apples. While the games are similar, the sense of humor required is very different. The game encourages players to poke fun at practically every awkward or taboo subject including race, religion, gender, poverty, torture, alcoholism, drugs, sex (oh yes), abortion, child abuse, celebrities, and those everyday little annoyances like "Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor".
In addition, there are a few extra rules. First, some question cards are "Pick 2" or cards, which require each participant to submit two cards in sequence to complete their answer. Second, a gambling component also exists. If a question is played which a player believes they have two possible winning answers for, they may bet an Awesome Point to play a single second answer. If the player who gambled wins, they retain the wagered point, but if they lose, the player who contributed the winning answer takes both points.
Now in version 2.0 with over 150 new cards. Expanded to 600 cards (50 more than before). The UK version has been adapted from the original American edition to suit your outmoded culture.
- Ages 17+
- 4-30 players
- 30 minutes playing time
Cards Against Humanity bills itself as ‘a party game for horrible people’. That pretty much sums it up!
Nothing is off limits for this game. If there is a line in the sand that should never be crossed in terms of what should be laughed at, this game doesn’t teeter on the edge of it, this game leaps over the line as if it were attempting the long jump! Cards Against Humanity is the antithesis of the so-called Snowflake Generation.
Cards Against Humanity – The Game
Firstly, this card drawing game is only suitable for those over the age of 17, and this is for a reason. It is offensive and covers almost every taboo and awkward subject there is, and if for some reason it isn’t on one of the cards in this box, it most certainly will be in one of the many expansion boxes that are available.
The game itself is quite straight forward. The box says it can be played between four to over 20 people. Realistically it could be played with three people, but the ideal number is somewhere between four and eight.
To start Cards Against Humanity every player gets 10 white answer cards. Play starts with the person who pooped most recently (this sets the tone for things to come), this person becomes the ‘Card Czar’ (or judge) and reads a black card. The black card is either a question or a fill-in-the-blank phrase. Everyone, except the Card Czar, then places what they believe to be their best answer face-down in a pile. This pile is then shuffled, and the Card Czar reads the question aloud followed by one of the white cards. Once all the answers have been read the Czar picks the ‘best’ answer. Generally, the best answer is the funniest or most apt, but the Czar can choose whichever card they wish. The winner gets an awesome point, this can be represented by the black card they won.
Once this round has been decided, used white cards go in a discard pile and all players draw back up to 10 white cards. A new player then becomes the Czar, generally this would be the person to the left of the previous card reader. You play for as long as you want, you might say ‘first to five awesome points wins’ or ‘most awesome points after 45 minutes wins’.
There are a few other ways to play with so-called house rules and gambling of awesome points but frankly they don’t add any amazing mechanics. Some of the cards also require two white cards and for obvious reasons these should then not be shuffled before reading.
What it’s Actually Like
This game is my go-to game if we have had friends round and drinks have been involved. However, you need to be aware of your target audience – I cannot imagine playing it whilst enjoying afternoon tea and cucumber sandwiches with the vicar for example.
Why? Well it is rude, crass and tries to be as offensive as possible. It encourages people to ridicule health, abuse, race, religion, gender, poverty, politics, alcoholism, drugs, sex, celebrities and more.
Now this is a family-friendly website, so it is difficult to give examples of some of the more extreme cards here, and for most people these are the cards that make the game. It is the partnering of black and white cards, generally in a wildly inappropriate way, that makes the game so brilliant. I have literally seen people crying with laughter playing Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are nothing special, easy to read and have lasted pretty well. With about 550 cards in total there is plenty to get started, however if you play this regularly, you will need to invest in some of the many expansions available. Once you get through these you can turn to the many unofficial expansions on offer too, such as those issued under the ‘Crabs Adjust Humidity’ brand, which I hasten to add, mix into the decks fine. You can also, like me, think up your own despicable answers to replace those you just don’t find funny.
There is an element of luck to the game, drawing a few overtly crude and therefore likely trump cards in your selection of 10 is an advantage. That said, the initially dud, offbeat answer can easily amuse the judge just as much as the perfectly reasoned and considered answer. Knowing the Card Czar’s sense of humour could potentially give you an edge but frankly it is about the cards in your hand.
There is limited skill involved but holding 10 cards in your hand is a challenge in itself – seeing all the answers is nigh on impossible to the average person, so you’ll find yourself riffling through your cards after every black card is read. You will also regularly be counting to ten to check you have the right amount.
Ultimately it is a very funny party game. You will laugh out loud, wince, cringe and pull an ‘oooo that’s harsh’ face regularly. Like all comedy though, it might not be your cup of tea, and that is impossible to tell without reading some of the more explicit questions and answers.
Final Thoughts on Cards Against Humanity
This party game may not appeal to you if you are a more experienced gamer – there is little or no strategy, no storyline and therefore no depth. It is shallow, but in its defence never tries not to be. It is also vulgar and perhaps, for some, linear. Some of the cards don’t work at all, others are gold dust.
If you do enjoy this game, you will need to invest in expansion packs or reach for white stickers and a marker pen. Thus, the replay-ability score is low below, as it is based on the game without additional packs. On the plus side a Bigger Box is available to house lots of extra cards.
In my opinion, Cards Against Humanity is one of the best party games ever. Quite a bold statement I know, but in the right situation, it is a great game.
I cannot recommend Cards Against Humanity enough but that is because the humour appeals to me, I am perfectly aware it may not to you. Comedy and humour are subjective. I have introduced this game to many people and however much they squirm or are appalled by what they sometimes have to read, they have all laughed and gone away having enjoyed the game. I am therefore, quite clearly, a horrible person, but so are enough of my friends to make it all a little less awkward!
Strap yourselves in boys and girls for the quickest ‘How to Play’ guide you have ever read, or possibly ever will read! The end of the two-week fourteen-month lockdown is slowly looming over us, and for many of us, that means one thing: games! I myself can not remember the last time I actually sat down with a bunch of fellow gamers and allowed myself to be immersed in the wonderful world of board gaming. What better way to dust off the old gaming cobwebs than with a few cheeky tipples and a good old game of Cards Against Humanity?
If you do not know how to play this game, then, well, where the heck have you been!? But fear not, I am here to teach you the ways of the Jedi offensive little card game.
Officially the game plays 4 to 20 plus players. It is possible to play with 2 or 3 with some house rules (more on them later), and more than 6 just feels a bit claustrophobic. Find a good middle ground. It is also worth mentioning that this game is very offensive. It is abhorrent with details revolving religion, sexuality and sex in general, toilet humour etc so it is advised not to play with prudes.
Are you ready for this? Take a deep breath.
Separate the black cards from the white cards and form a draw pile for each. And breath! Phew. You got through it. Well done. You’ve setup a game of Cards Against Humanity.
Playing Cards Against Humanity
So, to begin, every player draws 10 white cards.
Officially, the player who most recently did a number 2 (that is a poo poo) goes first. There is one exception to this, however. If you are Hugh Jackman, then you go first regardless. He is a big fan of my blogs of course, so I thought it important to mention. You’re welcome, J man.
The starting player draws a black card and reads aloud the statement shown on it for all players to hear. They simply say “blank” wherever the space is on the card. Then all other players choose a white card from their hand to secretly pass to the player with the black card.
The aim of Cards Against Humanity is to make the player laugh the most with your selected word or phrase to fill in the blank. So, knowing each player’s humour style will work in your flavour here.
The player then shuffles all the white cards they have been given together and reads the black card inserting each white card in turn. They then simply choose the one that made them laugh the most as the winner and play continues in whatever direction you want. I tend to give the black card to the winning player to keep track of the score. If anyone is actually playing to win that is.
Some black cards will have a ‘pick 2’ on them. This basically means the card has 2 blanks for people to fill in. Be careful when shuffling on these rounds, as it is easy to mix up people’s submissions, or even get them back to front.
If you are playing with people who actually want to keep track of score, then they can employ the gamble. There is always 1 – it is usually me! If they are convinced that they have more than 1 card that will win them the round, they can offer up one of their points in order to place a second white card in the offered cards. This gives them a slight advantage over the other players and allows them to feed that ego balloon of theirs. If someone else wins the round, however, that player will win the standard point for the round. They will also win the offered gambled point too.
Round End
At the end of a round, all players draw back up to 10 white cards, the next player draws the top black card, and the game continues.
And that is all there is to know about the basic format of Cards Against Humanity.
House Rules
There is an EXTENSIVE list of proposed house rules that come with the UK Version 2.0 of Cards Against Humanity. 18 of them in fact. But in true fashion, some of them are simply there to make you laugh and are not actual rules to play by.
Some notable ones that you may wish to consider are these though:
Rando Cardrissian
So, this house rule is the way you can play the game with only 2 or 3 players. It doesn’t stimulate the most fun you can get out of this game, however, but the option is there if you need it.
All you do for this is every turn, you add a pre-determined amount of white cards from the top of the deck into the offered white cards for the round. If one of those win, then the make-believe player earns a point instead.
Happy Ending
With this rule, when the game has come to an end, everyone plays the ‘Make a Haiku’ black card. This simply has everyone create a Haiku (or as close to one as possible) to be read out dramatically for an entertaining conclusion to the game.
Never Have I Ever
This allows players to discard and redraw any card they do not understand. But must announce it to everyone, so everyone can laugh at your ignorance. This may be a house rule you want to implement as the game is written, self admittedly by ‘eight fat yanks’, so some cards depict things that we Brits just do not understand.
Chubby Bunny
Playing this rule sees players crumple their winning cards and keep them in their mouth as points.
They only get more obscure from there. But hey! Cards Against Humanity is a party game, make your own house rules up, enjoy the game in all the chaotic/insulting/offensive/rude ways it presents to you, and have fun being able to game with actual human beings again!
Zatu Score
You might like
- It is very funny.
- Quick to learn.
- Playing time decided by you.
- Fast-paced with everyone constantly involved.
- Plenty of expansions available.
Might not like
- If you are easily offended.
- Looking for a family-friendly game.
- No strategy and depth.
- You don't like the
- Gets old quick without expansions.