Captain America Volume 5: The Tomorrow Soldier (Marvel Now) (Paperback)

Captain America Volume 5: The Tomorrow Soldier (Marvel Now) (Paperback)

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The final chapter of the story that began in Dimension Z: Steve Rogers is Captain America no more! The Iron Nail has neutralized the Super-Soldier Serum in his system, and Steve is vulnerable as never before. Continuing the Red Skull’s plan to finally destroy his oldest enemy, Arnim Zola wages war on New York – and without Cap to lead them, can the Avengers stop the Bio-…
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The final chapter of the story that began in Dimension Z: Steve Rogers is Captain America no more! The Iron Nail has neutralized the Super-Soldier Serum in his system, and Steve is vulnerable as never before. Continuing the Red Skull's plan to finally destroy his oldest enemy, Arnim Zola wages war on New York - and without Cap to lead them, can the Avengers stop the Bio-Fanatic's plot for revenge? COLLECTING Captain America 22-25, material from Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration