Captain America Epic Collection: Hero or Hoax?

Captain America Epic Collection: Hero or Hoax?

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It’s a new direction for the red-white-and-blue Avenger! When the city’s police officers begin to disappear, Captain America takes a job as one of New York’s finest! There are also larger-than-life villains – from the Grey Gargoyle to Hydra to the Red Skull – providing plenty of opportunity for Cap to swing that shield! And speaking of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nic…
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It's a new direction for the red-white-and-blue Avenger! When the city's police officers begin to disappear, Captain America takes a job as one of New York's finest! There are also larger-than-life villains - from the Grey Gargoyle to Hydra to the Red Skull - providing plenty of opportunity for Cap to swing that shield! And speaking of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury's spy shop is here, too - and they'll be fighting both for and against Cap! Meanwhile, the Falcon has a surprise encounter with two familiar - and anything but friendly - faces that will change Captain America's life forever. It's the shock of the year as Cap discovers that while he was frozen in the Arctic, there was a second Captain America and Bucky! Now they're back - and they're fighting mad! Collecting: Captain America (1968) 139-159