Cap's Kooky Quartet: Marvel HeroClix 400

Cap’s Kooky Quartet: Marvel HeroClix 400

RRP: 34.99
Now €36.71(SAVE 12%)
RRP €41.99
Expected Release Date 01/04/2025
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The press didn’t believe they would succeed, but Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye prove their mettle as The Avengers! With the Marvel HeroClix 400: Cap’s Kooky Quartet you’ll be ready to play a super-sized game of HeroClix with your friends! Contains: – 4 HeroClix figures and their character cards – Captain America – Scar…
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Category Tags , , , , SKU ZBG-WZK85044 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The press didn't believe they would succeed, but Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye prove their mettle as The Avengers! With the Marvel HeroClix 400: Cap's Kooky Quartet you'll be ready to play a super-sized game of HeroClix with your friends!


- 4 HeroClix figures and their character cards
- Captain America
- Scarlet Witch
- Quicksilver
- Hawkeye

What is HeroClix 400?

HeroClix 400 is a product where players will get a full theme team of characters to play right out of the box. They'll recognize these teams from some of their favorite comic book stories. The "400" describes the build total - these characters can be used for 400-point games instead of just the usual 300-point games, but they'll be playable as 300-point teams too!

Why focus on 400-point games?

Our most competitive players have enjoyed 300-point games for a long time. It's been one of the default modes for as long as we can remember.

However, over time, we've heard from tournament organizers and casual fans that 400-point games are a lot of fun. They get to play slightly larger squads and slightly higher point-value heroes they love.

To support these fans, the design team wanted to offer a product that would immediately scale to those bigger games. HeroClix 400 lets players manage a tight team of their faves at 400-points, right out of the box without having to worry over team building. Our suspicion is that after getting in a few games with these super-sized teams, players will find a character or two from their collection that they'd love to try including in their HeroClix 400 team. By using their out-of-the-box team at their 300-point level they'll have the space on their force for those characters!