Candy Crush Duel Pocket Edition

Candy Crush Duel Pocket Edition

RRP: £15.99
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RRP £15.99
Expected Restock Date 01/01/2025
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A brand new Candy Crush board game for two players. Players place colourful candies on the game board to create sweet combinations and earn points. By earning points the bar fills up and the first player to have a full point bar is the winner! Outsmart your opponent with creative solutions and score the most points!
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Category Tags , , , , SKU ZBG-JUS30218 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A brand new Candy Crush board game for two players. Players place colourful candies on the game board to create sweet combinations and earn points. By earning points the bar fills up and the first player to have a full point bar is the winner! Outsmart your opponent with creative solutions and score the most points!