Bullet Board Game: Deluxe Tokens

Bullet Board Game: Deluxe Tokens

RRP: £22.99
Now £20.15(SAVE 12%)
RRP £22.99
Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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With the Deluxe Bullets set, every game of Bullet you play has even more impact! Draw, move, and shoot harder than ever before! Contains a full set of wooden bullets and AP, Shield, and Intensity markers for use with any Bullet base game! Also includes wooden markers for Senka’s Crosshairs and the Mariel marker for those who want to update their v.1 normal edition of Bullet H…
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Category Tags , SKU ZSPG-LVL99BLT04 Availability Backorder
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With the Deluxe Bullets set, every game of Bullet you play has even more impact! Draw, move, and shoot harder than ever before!

Contains a full set of wooden bullets and AP, Shield, and Intensity markers for use with any Bullet base game! Also includes wooden markers for Senka's Crosshairs and the Mariel marker for those who want to update their v.1 normal edition of Bullet Heart.

You only need two sets of these bullets if you wish to play 5-8 player modes with the Deluxe Bullets. Otherwise, one set will cover both Heart and Star.