Breaking News In Yuba County – DVD
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Sue Buttons lives in a suburban area of Yuba County with her husband Karl. She's a housewife who tries to do everything she can to please her husband. Yet, it's not enough. Karl has been cheating on her. When he has a heart attack after she discovers his transgressions, Sue decides to bury his body instead of alerting police. She then calls her half-sister, Nancy, who works as a reporter at a local TV news station. She tells Nancy that it looks like someone broke into her home, which she had previously wrecked when angry about the cheating, and kidnapped Karl. Nancy actually believes the tall tale and decides to take the story to the public. Sue finds herself the focus of attention for the first time in a long time after she becomes a local celebrity. She even enjoys it at first until she realizes that all she wanted was Karl's love and attention. Now, she's alone with nowhere to hide when a detective, her sister, her husband's brother and even a local mobster pursue her for answers about Karl's disappearance...