Brave the Tempest - (Paperback)

Brave the Tempest – (Paperback)

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Cassie Palmer has been chief seer of the supernatural world for a little over four months. In that time, she s battled two gods, fallen in love with two men, and confronted the two sides of her own nature, both god and human. So it s not surprising that she currently finds herself facing two adversaries, although they have a single purpose: to wipe out the supernatural community s n…
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Cassie Palmer has been chief seer of the supernatural world for a little over four months. In that time, she s battled two gods, fallen in love with two men, and confronted the two sides of her own nature, both god and human. So it s not surprising that she currently finds herself facing two adversaries, although they have a single purpose: to wipe out the supernatural community s newest fighting force, leaving it vulnerable to enemies in this world and beyond. To prevent catastrophe, the vamps, mages, and demons will have to do the one thing they ve never managed before: come together as allies.