Brainbox Football
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rainBox is a fast and fun memory game that does not require any pens, pencils, paper, playing board or even a table! Each round takes 10 seconds so all players are involved. A game lasts as long as you want it to, 10 minutes is the norm, but playing for 5 minutes is great fun also. BrainBox is educational and is perfect for families and groups of friends to play, wherever they are, on a level-playing field. Packed in a sturdy cool magnetic cube box. BrainBox is ready to play without any set-up time needed. The rules are pretty straight forward. You can play solo or with as many people as you want. A player simply picks a card and studies it for 10 seconds before being asked a question from the back, chosen by the roll of a die. A correct answer means the card is kept, if not it is returned to the box. The player with most cards after 5 or 10 minutes wins! The winner may not be who you expect as this fabulous game is about observation and memory, not learned facts! BrainBox Football includes 71 cards, each with a different football team including club history, famous players and fun facts.