Brain Freeze NSFW

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- Small transportable container
- Quick and easy
- Hilariously fun!
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- Revealing nature of the prompts
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Whats better that crushing a pint of frozen gluttony? Brain Freeze, the dangerously speedy game of see and say. Put down the sprinkles and get ready to race your friends to answer a variety of revealing prompts.

NSFW Party Game
Brain Freeze NSFW is great for any occasion with your mates – planned game nights, barbeques, birthdays, hen and stag dos. Just make sure it is the kind of company who doesn’t mind disclosing some personal information!
It’s suitable for 3-10 players, and more if you break into teams (more on that later). It moves quickly so you can play a game in thirty minutes or less depending on how quick everyone answers and how competitive you all get.
Game Play
To start, gather everyone around in a circle and place the cards in the middle within reach of everyone. That is the Draw Pile. The first player is the one with the tiniest hands (why? don’t know, just roll with it!). They grab the top card in the Draw Pile and flip it over in front of themselves creating their Play Pile, making sure to do it quickly and visibly so all can see. Play continues around the circle moving to the left.
When a player flips a card from the Draw Pile and its symbol matches another player’s card in their Play Pile, the two players face off in a duel. They both quickly answer the prompt on their opponent’s card. So don’t get stalled looking at your own! The player who says their answer first wins and claims the card for their Win Pile, which is just behind their Play Pile.
Duelling is the main point of the game. It is how you win; but more importantly, it’s how you have fun and learn interesting things about your friends. The answers in a duel must be truthful. Players can challenge an answer by saying ‘freeze’. So if you know someone very well while others don’t, be sure to call them out when you know they’re lying! The end of a duel can cause a chain reaction of more duels. When the duel’s loser removes their card from their Play Pile, it opens up the chance of that card having a match with another player. This is more likely with the more players you have. Duels continue until there are no matching symbols in play. Then continue play as normal with players taking from the Draw Pile. It all ends when the Draw Pile is empty. Winner is the player with the most cards in their Win Pile.
See, super easy and simple!
House Rules
Now the creators have included some house rules options in the instruction booklet to keep the game fresh and fun.
The first is No Repeats. Pretty self explanatory.
The second is Called Out. This flips the perspective of the game as you should now answer the cards from your opponent’s perspective. So don’t think about yourself but who you’re duelling and what they would say. This offers a nice challenge.
The last is Teams. When you have more than 10 people, you can double up and share a Play Pile. However, both players need to answer the topic when in a duel. So make sure you team up with someone who’s quick on their toes!
Final Thoughts
Brain Freeze NSFW is fast paced fun! That’s the best way I can describe it. We’ve had plenty of great times playing it with friends.
The revealing questions can drum up some pretty hilarious answers. You will definitely get to know your friends when the game is over!
If you like the general game play but this doesn’t sound like your flavour of game, there is a family version as well you can check out here.
Zatu Score
- Artwork
- Complexity
- Replayability
- Player Interaction
- Component Quality
You might like
- Small transportable container
- Quick and easy
- Hilariously fun!
Might not like
- Revealing nature of the prompts