Bouncing Bunnies

Bouncing Bunnies

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Load different small colored wooden bunnies into the game board and turn it on. The board rotates, and the bunnies randomly pop/hop/bounce up several feet into the air, while the players try to catch them in hand held baskets. Different colored bunnies are worth different numbers of points, so players must choose to either compete for the rare high valued bunnies, or grab a lot of t…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-PEG66005G Availability Out of stock
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Load different small colored wooden bunnies into the game board and turn it on. The board rotates, and the bunnies randomly pop/hop/bounce up several feet into the air, while the players try to catch them in hand held baskets. Different colored bunnies are worth different numbers of points, so players must choose to either compete for the rare high valued bunnies, or grab a lot of the lower valued bunnies instead..