Bosun Grogspar

Bosun Grogspar

RRP: £11.00
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The bosun of the Talion is a veteran sea-salt named Grogspar. Grogspar enforces discipline with the simple expedient of hurling worthless lubbers over the rail with his hook and is a crack shot with a harpoon launcher as well. Against the rare eventuality of a harpooned foe who lingers, Grogspar makes sure to attach a lit stick of explosives to every shot.
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The bosun of the Talion is a veteran sea-salt named Grogspar. Grogspar enforces discipline with the simple expedient of hurling worthless lubbers over the rail with his hook and is a crack shot with a harpoon launcher as well. Against the rare eventuality of a harpooned foe who lingers, Grogspar makes sure to attach a lit stick of explosives to every shot.