Boarding Patrol: Genestealer Cults

Boarding Patrol: Genestealer Cults

RRP: $75.00
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Genestealer Cults propagate across the galaxy by stowing away in transport vessels and settling in for the long haul, or forcefully commandeering ships. This skilled insurgent team is made up of a Kelemorph, an Abominant, five Aberrants, and 10 Acolyte Hybrids – who can also be built as Hybrid Metamorphs.
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Genestealer Cults propagate across the galaxy by stowing away in transport vessels and settling in for the long haul, or forcefully commandeering ships. This skilled insurgent team is made up of a Kelemorph, an Abominant, five Aberrants, and 10 Acolyte Hybrids – who can also be built as Hybrid Metamorphs.