Bluecoats, The Vol.4: The Greenhorn (Paperback)

Bluecoats, The Vol.4: The Greenhorn (Paperback)

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Blutch and Chesterfield get away from the 22nd Cavalry and go spend some R&R at Fort Bow, their old posting on the frontier. That’s where Chesterfield’s flame Amelia lives – the daughter of Colonel Appleton. But when the cavalrymen arrive, they find the young lady dancing with a dashing young lieutenant. And when a young Native American boy gets mixed up in it…
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Blutch and Chesterfield get away from the 22nd Cavalry and go spend some R&R at Fort Bow, their old posting on the frontier. That's where Chesterfield's flame Amelia lives - the daughter of Colonel Appleton. But when the cavalrymen arrive, they find the young lady dancing with a dashing young lieutenant. And when a young Native American boy gets mixed up in it by mistake, it doesn't take long for the situation to spiral out of control.