Blow Football Retro

Blow Football Retro

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Blow as hard as you can, and you might just score.You’ll need more puff than Wayne Rooney, more skill than Cristiano Ronaldo, and you will have more fun than you could imagine.This game provides hours of high-energy fun Enjoy this table top football game anytime, anywhere Use your straw for skilled ball control Ages 5 2-6 players
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-ROC1414 Availability Out of stock
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Blow as hard as you can, and you might just score.
You'll need more puff than Wayne Rooney, more skill than Cristiano Ronaldo, and you will have more fun than you could imagine.
This game provides hours of high-energy fun Enjoy this table top football game anytime, anywhere Use your straw for skilled ball control Ages 5 2-6 players