Blood & Valor: End of Empires Expansion Book

Blood & Valor: End of Empires Expansion Book

RRP: £38.00
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RRP £38.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Blood and Valor: End of Empires is an expansion book for Blood & Valor. Blood & Valor is a skirmish level game set during the conflicts of the Great War. Blood & Valor focuses on small unit tactics such as conducting trench raids, scouting missions, and patrols. Blood & Valor: End of Empires adds forces from the remaining participants in World War 1, as well as…
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Category Tag SKU ZWCS-BV-0002 Availability Backorder
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Blood and Valor: End of Empires is an expansion book for Blood & Valor.

Blood & Valor is a skirmish level game set during the conflicts of the Great War. Blood & Valor focuses on small unit tactics such as conducting trench raids, scouting missions, and patrols.

Blood & Valor: End of Empires adds forces from the remaining participants in World War 1, as well as forces involved in the conflicts that arose in the aftermath of the Great War. This book also contains new units, scenarios, and new ways to play. 39 New Army Lists, 4 Balanced Play Scenarios, 5 Narrative Scenarios, new special rules, multiplayer rules, and rules for weather.

Please note:

The core rule book is required to use this book.
Printed material is supplied in English