Blob Party

Blob Party

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Blob Party is a cooperative party game where players start as individuals and try to become one big blob by giving all the same answers! It’s not just metaphorical—each player starts with a small blob of dough and a googly eye. As you match with more and more other players, you merge blobs, growing larger and adding more googly eyes!_x000D_ _x000D_ Let’s say the group starts …
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-WZK87577 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Blob Party is a cooperative party game where players start as individuals and try to become one big blob by giving all the same answers! It’s not just metaphorical—each player starts with a small blob of dough and a googly eye. As you match with more and more other players, you merge blobs, growing larger and adding more googly eyes!_x000D_
Let’s say the group starts with the Category of “Music” and the Word is “Lightning.” All players write an answer on a dry erase card matching their googly eye, maybe “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “David Bowie” or “Grease.” Everyone reveals, and anyone who wrote the same thing becomes a blob and will work together for the rest of the game!_x000D_
A new Category and Word are revealed for the next round, where players and blobs once again come up with answers, hoping to match with others. As the game continues, blobs and individuals merge until (hopefully!) everyone gives the same answer, becoming a Mega Blob and winning the game!


Blob Party is a cooperative party game where players start as individuals and try to become one big blob by giving all the same answers! It’s not just metaphorical—each player starts with a small blob of dough and a googly eye. As you match with more and more other players, you merge blobs, growing larger and adding more googly eyes!_x000D_
Let’s say the group starts with the Category of “Music” and the Word is “Lightning.” All players write an answer on a dry erase card matching their googly eye, maybe “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “David Bowie” or “Grease.” Everyone reveals, and anyone who wrote the same thing becomes a blob and will work together for the rest of the game!_x000D_
A new Category and Word are revealed for the next round, where players and blobs once again come up with answers, hoping to match with others. As the game continues, blobs and individuals merge until (hopefully!) everyone gives the same answer, becoming a Mega Blob and winning the game!