Blank White Dice

Blank White Dice

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In Blank White Dice a thrilling new take on dice games players roll the game dice to activate the icons on the die – then gain enough points to win the game! But if a player rolls a `blank face` they`ll need to get creative and show their artistic skills by drawing their own icons on the faces of their dice! Some icons will grant players points cause opponents to lose points o…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-WZK72735 Availability Out of stock
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In Blank White Dice a thrilling new take on dice games players roll the game dice to activate the icons on the die - then gain enough points to win the game! But if a player rolls a `blank face` they`ll need to get creative and show their artistic skills by drawing their own icons on the faces of their dice! Some icons will grant players points cause opponents to lose points or force competitors to reroll.