Blank Marry Kill

Blank Marry Kill

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A card-based variant on the old game “Screw Marry Kill”, where one of the existing verbs (screw, marry, or kill) is replaced with a random new verb. Players secretly vote on which verb the Judge will choose for each of 3 given characters. They then take turns adding attributes to each of the candidates in an effort to sway the Judge’s final decision to match their …
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Category SKU ZBG-BMCK01 Availability Out of stock
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A card-based variant on the old game "Screw Marry Kill", where one of the existing verbs (screw, marry, or kill) is replaced with a random new verb. Players secretly vote on which verb the Judge will choose for each of 3 given characters. They then take turns adding attributes to each of the candidates in an effort to sway the Judge's final decision to match their vote.

Players receive points for each correct guess and the Judge role rotates until each player has had a turn to be the Judge. Once each player has been the Judge once, the round ends; the player with the most points at the end of an unspecified number of rounds wins.

The game contains several sets of cards:
3 purple cards for the original set of verbs (screw, marry, kill)
White cards containing alternate verbs
Green voting cards for each player (screw, marry, kill, blank - where the blank card is used for the alternate verb)
Black character cards
Red attribute cards
Orange cards to represent points