Black Powder and Brimstone

Black Powder and Brimstone

RRP: 49.99
Now €52.00(SAVE 13%)
RRP €59.99
Expected Release Date 31/03/2025
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Embark on a dark and daring adventure where death and destruction lurks around every corner. The gunpowder and witchcraft infused game is a complete stand-alone RPG based on and compatible with the multi-award-winning apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. This action packed, rules light, art heavy OSR game offers swashbuckling adventure and gothic folk horror in an unholy blend. …
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-FLFBPB001 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Embark on a dark and daring adventure where death and destruction lurks around every corner. The gunpowder and witchcraft infused game is a complete stand-alone RPG based on and compatible with the multi-award-winning apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. This action packed, rules light, art heavy OSR game offers swashbuckling adventure and gothic folk horror in an unholy blend.


A wicked cauldron of a game packed to the brim with lore, explosions, magic, war, and demons.
Be a desperate adventurer stuck in the middle of the conflict desperately trying to survive, and maybe even profit, amongst the chaos and destruction.
Wield unique and characterful weapons, each with their own rules and advantages on top of the damage die.
Use forbidden and powerful magics that can warp reality as easily as an artist paints a canvas.
A treasure chest of character options, items, locations, adventures, and enemies both human and monstrous waiting to be opened.

1x Black Powder and Brimstone RPG
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Printed material is supplied in English.

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Embark on a dark and daring adventure where death and destruction lurks around every corner. The gunpowder and witchcraft infused game is a complete stand-alone RPG based on and compatible with the multi-award-winning apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. This action packed, rules light, art heavy OSR game offers swashbuckling adventure and gothic folk horror in an unholy blend.


A wicked cauldron of a game packed to the brim with lore, explosions, magic, war, and demons.
Be a desperate adventurer stuck in the middle of the conflict desperately trying to survive, and maybe even profit, amongst the chaos and destruction.
Wield unique and characterful weapons, each with their own rules and advantages on top of the damage die.
Use forbidden and powerful magics that can warp reality as easily as an artist paints a canvas.
A treasure chest of character options, items, locations, adventures, and enemies both human and monstrous waiting to be opened.

1x Black Powder and Brimstone RPG
Please Note:

Printed material is supplied in English.