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Blabel is a cooperative game in which players speak different fictional languages and have to learn to understand each other in order to build the Tower of Blabel together. Each player gets a dictionary, made from 3 cards, that teaches them how to say the 10 words of the game in their unique language. These words are 4 materials, 4 objects to build, “yes”, and “no…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-BLUBLABEL Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Blabel is a cooperative game in which players speak different fictional languages and have to learn to understand each other in order to build the Tower of Blabel together.

Each player gets a dictionary, made from 3 cards, that teaches them how to say the 10 words of the game in their unique language. These words are 4 materials, 4 objects to build, "yes", and "no". Then, each turn, the foreman tries to explain to the other players what they need to build. However, they can only speak the languages of the game.

The players' ability to notice similarities between their languages and remember one another's words will determine whether they manage to build the Tower of Blabel before they run out of turns.

But things are not always that peaceful in Blabel. You'll be facing earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and fires, so build a resistant tower, or it'll be destroyed by these forces of nature.