BioShock: From Rapture to Columbia

BioShock: From Rapture to Columbia

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Expected Restock Date 01/05/2025
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in just three installments, the BioShock saga made a special place for itself in the hearts of players. These games boast completely unique and extraordinary stories and worlds. The first two installments take place in the underwater city of Rapture. Immersed in the Art Deco style and a 1950s atmosphere, the player advances through an open, intelligent gameplay that encourages creat…
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in just three installments, the BioShock saga made a special place for itself in the hearts of players. These games boast completely unique and extraordinary stories and worlds. The first two installments take place in the underwater city of Rapture. Immersed in the Art Deco style and a 1950s atmosphere, the player advances through an open, intelligent gameplay that encourages creativity and careful use of the resources provided by the surroundings. BioShock Infinite, the third installment, draws us in to explore the floating city of Columbia in a uchronic, steampunk-laden 1912.Third Éditions aims to pay tribute to this hit series—which, despite its short history, has already gained critical acclaim. Dive into this unique volume that explores the games’ origins and provides an original analysis of each installment.