Big Trouble In Little Soho The Akkadian Connection

Big Trouble In Little Soho The Akkadian Connection

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Someone is making a very dangerous drug in the East End, snuff that grants explosive strength. Of course it’s in the wrong hands. Who’s making it? What are they making it from? Where’s the money going? Why have you been asked to look into it? Best see to your gear, and make sure you’ve got the best team you can assemble. This is trouble the Peelers can’…
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Someone is making a very dangerous drug in the East End, snuff that grants explosive strength. Of course it's in the wrong hands. Who's making it? What are they making it from? Where's the money going? Why have you been asked to look into it? Best see to your gear, and make sure you've got the best team you can assemble. This is trouble the Peelers can't handle, and it's likely to lead to some far too interesting places. Intrigue, fist fights, clockwork computers, dangerous chemistry and ancient writings – this one's got all the makings of a story you won't be able to tell your grandchildren until it's declassified!
You'll need the 1879 Player's Guide and the 1879 GM's Guide to run this adventure. A copy of London, or The Haunted City, might be useful.