Berserk Volume 30 (Paperback)

Berserk Volume 30 (Paperback)

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Thanks to Lady Farnese’s selfless sacrifice, Guts, the Black Swordsman, and the rest of his companions are free to carry on their journey aboard the ship of Farnese’s brother, Magnifico – that is, if they’re willing to leave Farnese behind. But having to choose between their mission and their loyalties might not be a problem for long if the Kushan emperor and…
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Thanks to Lady Farnese's selfless sacrifice, Guts, the Black Swordsman, and the rest of his companions are free to carry on their journey aboard the ship of Farnese's brother, Magnifico - that is, if they're willing to leave Farnese behind. But having to choose between their mission and their loyalties might not be a problem for long if the Kushan emperor and his legion of monstrous minions have their way. With a host of Kushan forces descending on Vritannis, there might not be much left of Farnese's family - or any of the citizenry - to worry about!