Battletome: Orruk Warclans (hardback)

Battletome: Orruk Warclans (hardback)

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The Orruks Warclans are split into a few dangerous factions, each more deadly than the last. Orruks are known their savagery and aggression, but none are crazier or more savage than the Bonesplitterz. These feral greenskins love to fight because they constantly feel the Waaagh! The core belief of the Bonesplitterz is that the spirit of the Waaagh! lives within the bones of great bea…
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The Orruks Warclans are split into a few dangerous factions, each more deadly than the last. Orruks are known their savagery and aggression, but none are crazier or more savage than the Bonesplitterz. These feral greenskins love to fight because they constantly feel the Waaagh! The core belief of the Bonesplitterz is that the spirit of the Waaagh! lives within the bones of great beasts, and the bigger the beast the more the Waaagh! So they are on a constant search to find and slay the greatest beasts that they can find, if any stinkin 'umies, or anyone else for that matter, gets in their way it just means more Bones to split!

The Ironjawz are the biggest, baddest and most destructive of all the clanz of Orruks. Extremely violent, they are always ready to jump into a fight. It does not matter if they are outnumbered, they will keep coming, never stop and get stronger the more you hit them. Lead by the fist of Gork, Gordrakk and bringing new warbeasts to overrun the enemy, these greenskins are ready for much punchin' and crushin' as they bellow their mighty war cry "Waaagh".

Kruleboyz are a spiteful, vicious breed of Orruks from the Thondian swamplands that have always been shrouded in mystery due to the mists that cover their home. They have the ability to either fight alone as a Kruleboyz army and they are able to join forces with any of the other Orruk Warclans, this will allow you to start a brand new army or add them to an existing one.

This 136-page hardback book contains:

A war chest of lore about the Orruk Warclans, their history, and their activities following the return of Kragnos
Stunning art depicting the Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and the new Kruleboyz
37 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for everything from sneaky Hobgrot Slittaz to the Earthquake God himself
15 warscroll battalions for Path to Glory narrative campaigns
Allegiance abilities for every Orruk Warclans subfaction, including battle traits, command traits, and artefacts of power, as well as the Big Waaagh! that combines Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and Kruleboyz
Content for matched play, including 5 grand strategies, 6 battle tactics, and 3 core battalions
Path to Glory campaign rules for creating an Orruk Warclans warband
A beautiful miniature showcase and painting guide for getting the most out of your Waaagh!
Extensive bestiary information for the Orruk Warclans units, including the background of Kragnos, End of Empires