Battle Dentale

Battle Dentale

RRP: 24.99
Now €25.03(SAVE 16%)
RRP €29.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Working as a monster in an evil wizard’s dungeon isn’t easy. It’s dark, damp, and your boss has a habit of turning employees into frogs during annual performance reviews. But perhaps the worst thing is the boredom. Sure, it’s exciting when the occasional hero stumbles past and you have a bit of a scuffle. However, most of the time you’re just hanging a…
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Working as a monster in an evil wizard's dungeon isn't easy. It's dark, damp, and your boss has a habit of turning employees into frogs during annual performance reviews.

But perhaps the worst thing is the boredom. Sure, it's exciting when the occasional hero stumbles past and you have a bit of a scuffle. However, most of the time you're just hanging about watching mould grow on the walls.

Deep in the depths of Hoodez Dungeon, Toothache the Troll and Gumrot the Goblin became fed up of sitting around doing nothing. Borrowing the jaws of a nearby skeleton (asking politely first, of course) and some gems they found in a treasure chest, they invented a fun new game of teeth collecting which made the hours between battling adventurers just fly by.

In Battle Dentale, you play either Gumrot the Goblin or Toothache the Troll, competing to collect the best collection of teeth from a jawbone. Toothache favors the cleaner teeth because they're shiny, while Gumrot likes the decaying ones as the smell reminds them of their mum. Winning requires strategy, efficient decision-making, and sometimes evil moves to sabotage your opponent! To win, gather a more highly valued collection of teeth than the other player.