Barnabas, Lord of Blood

Barnabas, Lord of Blood

RRP: £42.75
Now £42.69
RRP £42.75
Expected Restock Date 01/01/2025
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There are few living things that have accomplished as much as Barnabas, Lord of Blood. Having achieved his goal of transfiguration amid the gory carnage, Barnabas has risen from death as a god. Wielding the dark magic of his people, augmented by his own defiance of death, the Lord of Blood goes to battle attended by undead skeletal companions called boneshakers. Together they collec…
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There are few living things that have accomplished as much as Barnabas, Lord of Blood. Having achieved his goal of transfiguration amid the gory carnage, Barnabas has risen from death as a god. Wielding the dark magic of his people, augmented by his own defiance of death, the Lord of Blood goes to battle attended by undead skeletal companions called boneshakers. Together they collect bloody sacrifices from the flesh of any who would oppose his growing cult.

Barnabas is a powerful frontline caster, capable of destroying even the most heavily armoured enemy targets all by himself. With his signature spell, Execration of Blackest Night, he reduces the attack scores of enemy models making himself and his army quite survivable. His armies commonly include Wrong Eye & Snapjaw and the Blackhide Wrastler.