Barefoot Gen School Edition Vol 5 (Hardback)

Barefoot Gen School Edition Vol 5 (Hardback)

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Beautiful new hardcover edition of Barefoot Gen Volume Five! Striking new design with special sturdy binding. Barefoot Gen is the powerful, tragic, autobiographical story of the bombing of Hiroshima and its aftermath, seen through the eyes of the artist as a young boy growing up in Japan. The honest portrayal of emotions and experiences speaks to children and adults everywhere. Naka…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9780867198355 Availability Backorder
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Beautiful new hardcover edition of Barefoot Gen Volume Five! Striking new design with special sturdy binding. Barefoot Gen is the powerful, tragic, autobiographical story of the bombing of Hiroshima and its aftermath, seen through the eyes of the artist as a young boy growing up in Japan. The honest portrayal of emotions and experiences speaks to children and adults everywhere. Nakazawa's manga illustrates the true impact of nuclear weapons when used against a civilian population. It is vital reading for people of all ages, and especially for today's youth. By keeping this tragedy in our collective consciousness, we can strive to never repeat it and guide humanity towards a course of peace. Barefoot Gen Volume Five ―"The Never-Ending War" ― As the people of Hiroshima face a massive food shortage and horrendous health problems, Gen is in school, but he is forced to choose between making money to support his family or staying in school to be a part of society, but when his mother becomes sick, the choice is further complicated.