Banpresto Dragon Ball Z Ss Vegeta Clearise

Banpresto Dragon Ball Z Ss Vegeta Clearise

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From the popular anime series, Dragon Ball Z, comes the prince of all Saiyans. Regal, egotistical and full of pride, Vegeta was once a ruthless, cold-blooded warrior and outright killer but later abandons his role in the Galactic Frieza Army, instead opting to remain and live on Earth, fighting alongside the universe’s most powerful warrior, specifically with the mission to defea…
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From the popular anime series, Dragon Ball Z, comes the prince of all Saiyans.

Regal, egotistical and full of pride, Vegeta was once a ruthless, cold-blooded warrior and outright killer but later abandons his role in the Galactic Frieza Army, instead opting to remain and live on Earth, fighting alongside the universe’s most powerful warrior, specifically with the mission to defeat and surpass Goku in power.

His character evolves from villain, to anti-hero, to a hero through the course of the series.