Baby Owlbear Life-Sized Figure: D&D Replicas of the Realms

Baby Owlbear Life-Sized Figure: D&D Replicas of the Realms

RRP: £129.99
Now £97.29(SAVE 25%)
RRP £129.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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There’s nothing cuter than baby animals and the same is true for magical creatures! This life-sized baby Owlbear is 11″ tall and made from soft foam that’s hand painted to show off each and every fluffy baby feather. This figure is incredibly lifelike and sure to attract attention in your home, game room, or store!_x000D_ _x000D_ At this height this figure sits per…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-WZK68515 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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There's nothing cuter than baby animals and the same is true for magical creatures! This life-sized baby Owlbear is 11" tall and made from soft foam that's hand painted to show off each and every fluffy baby feather. This figure is incredibly lifelike and sure to attract attention in your home, game room, or store!_x000D_
At this height this figure sits perfectly amongst your D&D books in a place of honor on your shelf!