Azul Master Chocolatier
Azul Master Chocolatier is the latest game in the Azul board game series, which is known for its strategic gameplay and beautiful tile-laying mechanics. In this new game, players take on the role of master chocolatiers, competing to create the most delicious and luxurious chocolates.
The game is played over several rounds, with each round consisting of three phases: the market phase, the production phase, and the scoring phase. In the market phase, players take turns selecting chocolate ingredients from a central market, trying to gather the right combination of ingredients to create the best chocolates.
Once the market phase is over, players move on to the production phase. During this phase, players use their ingredients to create different types of chocolates, ranging from milk chocolate to dark chocolate to truffles. Each type of chocolate has its own scoring conditions, so players must be strategic in their choices.
Finally, in the scoring phase, players earn points for their chocolates based on their quality and the scoring conditions for each type of chocolate. The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner and earns the title of master chocolatier.
One of the most interesting aspects of Azul Master Chocolatier is the use of the game’s tiles. Players must use these tiles to create different types of chocolates, and they must carefully plan their moves to ensure they have enough of each ingredient to create the best chocolates. The tiles themselves are beautifully designed, featuring images of different types of chocolate and cocoa beans.
The game also includes a number of special tiles, such as the golden ticket tile, which allows players to score extra points, and the master chocolatier tile, which grants special abilities to the player who holds it. These tiles add an extra layer of strategy and complexity to the game, and they make each game of Azul Master Chocolatier feel unique and engaging.
Overall, Azul Master Chocolatier is a fantastic addition to the Azul series, offering players a new and exciting way to play. With its beautiful artwork, strategic gameplay, and innovative tile-laying mechanics, the game is sure to delight both casual and serious board gamers alike. Whether you’re a fan of the Azul series or just love chocolate, Azul Master Chocolatier is a game that is definitely worth checking out.
Player Interaction
Component Quality
You Might Like
- Re-skinned chocolate box theme
- Components look good enough to eat!
- First player marker is Bakelite, not a cardboard chit
- Double-sided Special Factory variant adds a cool new angle
Might Not Like
- Hang on… isn’t this the same as regular Azul?
- Still no surplus-tiles tower
- Is this a missed opportunity to have gone all-in on the deluxifying?
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It's time for a delicious retheme. Welcome back to the tile placement game of Azul, where originally, we are drafting tiles to build a mosaic. This time, we're making a box of chocolates. The beautiful tiles have been redesigned to look like chocolates and other sweet delights for you to place into your box, but keeps the core rules of the original game.
The game is played over several rounds, with each round consisting of three phases: the market phase, the production phase, and the scoring phase. In the market phase, players take turns selecting chocolate tiles from the central market, trying to gather the right number of tiles for each row to create the best box of chocolate to sell. Be sure not to waste anything and let those excess chocolates drop to the factory floor, or you'll receive a penalty. As well as a new look, this version of the game introduces new factory tiles which are double sided and include the option to mix in special powers in each game, to change up the strategy from game to game.
For fans of the original game, there's a new theme for you to explore and for new comers to the game, there is nothing here to be a barrier to one of the classic introduction games.
Four Player Boards
Four Scoring Markers
9 double sided Factory Displays
1 Cloth Bag
100 tiles (20 in each colour)

Do you prefer picking which chocolate to eat next, or staring at bathroom tiles? One sounds a lot more appealing to me than the other! Each to their own, though; I’m not going to judge you. Your choice does correlate somewhat though, in the latest in the Azul series. Azul: Master Chocolatier is all about designing chocolate boxes!
Michael Kiesling and Plan B Games struck gold when Azul hit the tables in 2017. It won the Spiel des Jahres (Family Game of the Year Award) in ’18. Whenever a title hits such euphoric heights, a temptation seeps into the winning publishing company. It happens time and time again. They belch out spin-off titles, piggy-backing off the original game’s success. Days of Wonder have dined out on Ticket To Ride for almost twenty years, now! Kingdomino has at least five games within Bruno Cathala’s ‘…domino’ series.
Azul is no different. Master Chocolatier is the fifth within Kiesling’s tile-drafting, pattern-building family of games. It’s almost been an annual event since picking up the SdJ gong: new year, a new Azul gets released. So how does Azul: Master Chocolatier stand up to the original? If you own it alongside Stained Glass of Sintra, Summer Pavilion, and Queen’s Garden, can you justify owning this one, too?
Wispa Has It This Is Kinder The Same As The Original Azul…
Mechanisms-wise Azul: Master Chocolatier is a reimplementation of the original Azul. It pits 2-4 players against each other, all looking to draft square tiles from Factories. Your aim? Fill in a 5×5 grid, which has Sudoku-esque qualities to it. If you want to play the base game of Azul, then it is 100% identical, save for aesthetics. There is an extra bonus mode included, though.
In the original Azul, the theme sees you creating a mesmerizing tiled wall, fit for a Portuguese king. It takes its name from the tin-glazed ceramic azulejo tiles, themselves. A popular feature of Azul were the tiles themselves were not mere cardboard chits. Instead, they were chunky, durable Bakelite. They bore dimensions akin to Starburst chewy sweets. Their vibrant colours commanded table presence, the game being a photogenic modern classic. And for good reason: you’re not decorating a bland bus station restroom. You were commissioned to tile a palace!
It’s apt, and in some ways inevitable, that the Azul series has headed towards a confectionary theme. After all, the tiles always looked kind-of edible! This time around, in Master Chocolatier, you’re looking to fill a grandiose box of chocs. This ain’t no tin of Miniature Heroes, though. It’s more akin to a fancy array of Belgian delights, the kind that sees sales skyrocket around Valentine’s Day.

Plan B Games Sticking To A Winning Golden Ticket?
The set-up and gameplay is identical. There’s 100 tiles total, spanning five different patterns, so 20 of each. You place out circular ‘Factories’, which look like fancy beer mats. The number of Factories you use in a game equals the number of players multiplied by two, plus one. (Five in a two-player game, seven for three players, and nine for four players.) At the start of the round, you place, at random, four tiles onto each Factory.
The difference is, talking aesthetics, the five different tile types are now varieties of chocolate! There’s a light brown fudge, white chocolate, and one that’s a red velvet. One’s a dark chocolate swirl, and one has shimmering blue icing. The 5×5 layout remains the same, so they sit in diagonal rows from one another. On your turn, you visit one of the Factories and take all the chocs in one type, placing them onto your board. Any remainders get pushed into the centre of the table, forming an extra Factory.
Haven’t played base-game Azul before? Today’s your lucky day: I’ve written a How To Play guide for it, and it’s one tap/click away, here.
The link above talks you through how to play and score tiles in regular Azul. The same applies here in Master Chocolatier. The thing you’ll want to read about, then, is what does that Factory module bring to the plate?
Charlie Azul Chocolate Factory
There’s nine Factory Displays in total, as per standard Azul. The difference is, they’re all double-sided, here. If you want to play with this variant, you shuffle them and place out the required quota, as per usual. (So, say, seven for a three-player game.) Then you flip over Factory Displays equal to the number of players. (So, say, three out of the seven in a three-player game.) You flip them over at random, so they could be neighbouring to one another, or spread out around the circle.
Among the nine tiles, there are five different actions that occur on the ‘Special’ side of the Factory Displays. One Special Factory has a +1 on it, which means you place five tiles on it at the start of the round, not the standard four. Can this potential lure convince you to take the -1 hit to become First Player for the next round?
Five of the Special Factories show a certain chocolate type (there’s five of these, one for each type). After set-up, you check to see if any chocs of that type sit on the neighbouring Factories. If so, you move one of them from that Factory onto this Factory. It’s like demanding Veruca Salt, insisting on wanting more, more, more, and now. This could result in as many as six tiles being on one Factory. (And, as a result, at least three of one type on this Factory.) This also makes being First Player appealing, if you have a need to fill a particular row.
It gives that type of chocolate an interesting dynamic for the whole game, since it’s not as likely to sit spread out. Instead, chances are it gets clumped together in higher quantities. This means it both can feel harder to obtain, but also comes as a klaxon for the latter parts of the game. If you have nowhere left to house that pattern, the last thing you want is having to pick up vast quantities of it. After all, the same penalties apply for ‘dropping’ chocolates onto your Foundry line. (There’s nothing as painful as dropping a tasty treat on the floor. Far more wince-worthy than smashing a tile, right?)

The Candy Man Takes Everything He Bakes
Talking of the Foundry Line, one Special Factory Display features the Foundry icon on it. When you take chocs off this Factory, remaining tiles move into the centre as per usual. Then you claim the Factory Display itself, for the rest of the round. The next tile you have to drop sits on this Factory instead of your Foundry, and it doesn’t cost you any minus points. Could this approach tempt you into taking the Augustus Gloop strategy? (AKA: gobbling up more tiles than you need, knowing you can afford to ‘drop’ one for free?)
The fourth type of Special Factory has arrows pointing inwards on it. This means that when a player takes chocs off it, they don’t join the middle of the table. Instead, they remain on this Factory Display. This can cause it to become an appealing location for cautious players, who only want one or two tiles.
Beforehand, tiles tended to congregate in the middle Factory. Sometimes they’d become four-, five- or six-strong by the end of the round. (Depending on the draw and the choice in early-round drafting, of course.) Quotas of tiles in this quantity tends to mean the Foundry Line spitting out minus points! So the fact this Special Factory alters that potential puts a spin on procedures.
Last of all, the fifth Special Factory Display has arrows pointing outward. When a player drafts tiles off this Factory, the remaining tiles don’t get pushed into the middle Factory. Instead, they get split (as even as possible) and sent to the two neighbouring Factories. Same-colour tiles don’t get separated from one another. This can also cause larger-than-before quantities of chocs on a single Factory.
Who Could Hate Or Bear A Grudge Against A Luscious Bit Of Fudge?
Art plays a huge role in this review, due to the nature of it being a reimplementation. Artist Chris Quilliams is the constant between this and the original. The player boards share parallels to the point where you can tell they’ve tweaked the old template. The border art, the score tracks, the ‘staircase’ Pattern Lines. The font (the now-recognisable Algerian): it’s tantamount. Some touches are new, such as dewdrops of chocolate trickling down the Foundry.
There’s far less subtle blues within the colour palette, here. It’s as one might expect from a game about chocolate. The board’s tones sit dominated with beige and caramel browns. The 5×5 grid is a drop-down view of a chocolate box; you can imagine you’re viewing the chocolates from above. All 25 squares have individual borders – they’re crimped, golden foil cupcake holders. Quilliams has even given the chocolates’ corners subtle whitened speckles. You want to believe the impression of a reflective sheen. You’ll become Charlie Bucket, nose pressed up against the sweet shop window. It’s enough to trigger synesthesia; rich cocoa melting across your tastebuds.
The cotton drawstring bag is two-tone, currant-red and marzipan yellow. It’s plenty big enough to house all the tiles. The Bakelite tiles themselves are marvellous as you’d expect. There’s a stark contrast between them all, at a glance. The white chocolate and the fudge in particular look the most realistic! Like other Azul tiles, their durability fills you with confidence. It’s pleasing to see that the First Player tile is also a Bakelite tile, rather than a cardboard chit. (This was the case in the initial printing of the base game.) It’s mint-green, with golden trim, suggestive of a chocolate with a luxurious wrapper.
The nine Factory Tiles are double-sided. They’re blue and red on their standard face; blue, gold and red on their reverse. You can distinguish between the two at ease, when playing the variant module. From an aesthetics point of view, I enjoy the look of Master Chocolatier over base-Azul. That’s my own subjective taste, talking, though. Only you can make that decision.

Final Thoughts On… Azul: Master Chocolatier
The real question is: can fans of Azul justify buying this Limited Edition? No one can deny that Master Chocolatier is 90% the same as base-Azul. Moody Mike Teavee-cynics will huff at that, alone. Art-wise, it’s dipped in chocolate and the components look even more edible than before! This isn’t so much an addition to the Azul series, but rather, a luxury bonus. It’s akin to the re-skinned Plan B Golem titles that sit alongside Emerson Matsuuchi’s ‘Century’ trilogy.
I’m relieved to see that at least the Special Factory Displays module exists in this Limited Edition. This breathes new life into the base game, driving it in a new-ish direction. It makes the game even more interactive. It’s easy to play regular Azul and not pay too much attention to your opponents. If you want it to be a multiplayer-solitaire experience, you can make it that. But do you enjoy hate-drafting, or working hard not to leave anything juicy for your neighbour to pick up? You’ll get a kick out of the flip-side of the Factories.
Because of this module, Master Chocolatier provides an extra assortment of strategy. I am left wondering, though: despite the addition, is this a missed opportunity? Could Plan B and Next Move Games have produced an out-and-out deluxe version of Azul? Many people applauded the introduction of a ’tile tower’ Sintra/Pavilion/Queen’s Garden. This was a device to put spent tiles, after moving scoring ones into place. In the original game, it lacked one. The rules suggested you chuck them in the box lid. Then, when you need to replenish, pour them out of the lid into the drawstring bag. I would have loved to have seen one here. A chance to include this, again, wasted…?
They could have also introduced elements from Azul: Crystal Mosaic. This was an expansion for Azul that included plastic dual-layer overboards. (They’d line up with the player boards here, for context.) Crystal Mosaic also featured new player boards, with new designs to build upon the 5×5 grid. If Plan B had included such extras in here, then Master Chocolatier gains a drastic promotion. It would no longer have been a mere parallel addition. Then it would have become a scrumptious, essential upgrade. The idea of Azul: Deluxe is an interesting debate, and one Violet Beauregarde herself would love to chew on. Alas, this isn’t quite it. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Completionists and collectors will enjoy having this Limited Edition sit on their shelves. The idea of it being chocolate themed is, without doubt, more appealing than tiling a bathroom. The Special Factories module is a welcome addition, and I’ll struggle to return to base Azul without it. But is that enough to warrant ditching classic Azul and upgrading to this? Or are Plan B cashing in on Azul’s good name and leaving a sour taste in our mouths?

Azul Master Chocolatier is a beautiful looking game, based on the concept that players are designing a delicious chocolate selection box. Here is how to play this elegant game.
Each player will have a player board and scoring counter. In the base game, you will be playing using the multi-coloured side.
The factory discs are placed in the middle of the playing area and you use either 5, 7 or 9 factories based on whether you are playing with 2, 3 or 4 players respectively. The factories should be placed in a circle around the centre of the playing area with a clear space in the middle. You’ll notice that the factory discs are two-sided. For the base game, you will be using the blue side.
Now you will to fill the bag with all the chocolate tiles. During the game you will be randomly drawing tiles from the bag.
Then, use any method to decide who begins the game with the starting marker. Finally, add four tiles from the bag to each factory in play.
Object of the game

The end of the game is triggered when at least one player has completed a horizontal line of five consecutive tiles. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins and in the case of a tie, the player with the most horizontal lines wins, with any further tie resulting in a shared win.
The phases of the game
A. Factory offer
The starting player places the starting player marker in the centre of the table. They then either a) select all the tiles of the same colour from a factory, moving the remaining tiles into the centre of the table, or b) pick all the tiles of the same colour from the centre of the table. If you are the first player this round to choose this second option, then take the first player marker and place it on your board on the leftmost space on the foundry line – tiles placed in this row count as penalty points when scoring.
Strategy note: You may be forced to pick from the centre, but often you are likely to choose it because the selection of tiles is better. Yes, there is a -1 penalty but often it is outweighed by the better choice which in turn may net you more points overall and give you first choice of tiles in the next round. As a round progresses, more tiles get placed in the centre meaning when you collect a set of tiles, you get to pick a larger number of tiles; this is good in terms of increasing the chances of completing the longer rows, but not good in terms of increasing the potential for penalty points. Overall, I would say choice is a good thing.
Once you have chosen the tiles you must pick one of the five pattern lines on the left side of your player board, and starting from right to left, start placing tiles on the chosen pattern line. On future turns, if a pattern line already holds tiles, you may only add tiles of the same colour to it, if there are free spaces. If you have picked up more tiles than spaces then any excess is placed on the foundry line, starting from the left most uncovered space.
Note also that in subsequent rounds, you can only place tiles of a certain colour in lines whose corresponding line in the chocolate box doesn’t already have a tile in that colour.
You’ll note the different colours of the tiles which I like a lot aesthetically. I do tend to think of the tiles in terms of dark chocolate, white and caramel with two milk types.
The Foundry line. Any tiles you have picked that you either cannot or do not want to place, must be placed here, filling the spaces from left to right. Once all the line spaces are filled, any further excess tiles are simply discarded to the box waiting for a bag refill.
B. Box confection
In this phase of Azul Master Chocolatier, all players score. This can be done simultaneously, although if introducing new players to the game, it is helpful for each player to score in turn to help the learning process.
To score, a player looks at each pattern line on their board. Starting at the top, if a line is complete, move the rightmost tile to the space of the same colour in the chocolate box area. The rulebook gives illustrations of the phases and steps to take to help visualise these.
Each time you move a tile, score for it immediately. Each tile scores one point for itself and one point for each tile directly linked horizontally. Then repeat the process for a linked vertical line scoring one point for each tile in the line including the tile just placed.
Again, the rulebook is helpful, giving illustrations of scoring. This means a tile on its own will score one point, but it is possible for a tile to be placed to score from both a horizontal and vertical line of tiles each scoring more points in the process.
Repeat the process for each completed line in the pattern line area and then don’t forget to deduct all penalty points for tiles on the foundry line. Once scored, the tiles in the foundry line are discarded.
Once scoring is done, remove all tiles from the pattern line area on lines with no tile in the rightmost space. In other words, if you completed the line, one tile moves to the chocolate box and rest are discarded. All other tiles on a pattern line ie on incomplete lines remain where they are going into the next round.
C. Preparation for the next round
If no-one has completed a horizontal line, then the game continues. Refill each factory with four random tiles. If the bag is ever empty, simply add all the discarded tiles to date back into the bag, give them a mix and continue to select tiles for the factories.
Game end
Once at least one player has completed a horizontal line of five tiles, the game will end after the Box confection phase ie no refill required as no further rounds.
In addition to the accumulated points so far, each player will score two bonus points for each complete horizontal line, seven points for each completed vertical line and ten points for each collection of five tiles of the same colour in the chocolate box.
There are variants to play. There is a variant chocolate box with all the printed tile square are beige allowing a more free-form approach to placing tiles. However, this is more of a challenge as you cannot have a colour appear more than once in any vertical or horizontal line.
In additional there is a special factory variant. You’ll note that the reverse side of each factory is of a gold colour. These offer additional actions or effects in game, and the rulebook lists these.
Final thoughts on strategy
Azul Master Chocolatier is a clever game. Ultimately, you will need to form blocks of tiles and adjacent lines to score a greater number of points and completing where you can full lines of tiles or sets of colours. In practice, with a little luck, success comes through good choices made in respect of what colours you take and their placement. As a bonus, you will want to choose where you can, based on what will also hinder your opponents either by taking tiles they need or leaving them with tiles that may score penalty points for them. Enjoy the game.
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Zatu Score
- Artwork
- Complexity
- Replayability
- Player Interaction
- Component Quality
You might like
- Re-skinned chocolate box theme
- Components look good enough to eat!
- First player marker is Bakelite, not a cardboard chit
- Double-sided Special Factory variant adds a cool new angle
Might not like
- Hang on isnt this the same as regular Azul?
- Still no surplus-tiles tower
- Is this a missed opportunity to have gone all-in on the deluxifying?