Avengers Forever Vol. 1: the Lords of Earthly Vengeance

Avengers Forever Vol. 1: the Lords of Earthly Vengeance

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Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and Sev, better known as Delta Squad! Relive the legendary campaign. Welcome to the Clone Wars: Chaos has erupted throughout the galaxy. As leader of an elite squad of Republic Commandos, your mission is to infiltrate, dominate, and ultimately annihilate the enemy. Battle Relentless Enemies: Battle a variety of highly intelligent and deadly enemies—from brutal…
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Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and Sev, better known as Delta Squad! Relive the legendary campaign.

Welcome to the Clone Wars: Chaos has erupted throughout the galaxy. As leader of an elite squad of Republic Commandos, your mission is to infiltrate, dominate, and ultimately annihilate the enemy.

Battle Relentless Enemies: Battle a variety of highly intelligent and deadly enemies—from brutal Trandoshan mercenaries to the flying insectoid warriors of Geonosis.

The Squad is Your Weapon: Your squad will follow your orders, performing complex commands and strategic maneuvers. You are their leader. They are your weapon.