Avengers Assemble: Living Legends (Paperback)

Avengers Assemble: Living Legends (Paperback)

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Your favourite movie heroes in action-packed comic book adventures! When tragedy strikes Asgard, Thor must hit back against the ice giant Ymir! The villainous Klaw visits sound and fury on Wakanda – and the Black Panther! T’Challa joins Black Widow, Captain America and the Falcon on a mission to the moon – where awaits a deadly weapon powered by shards of the Cosmi…
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Your favourite movie heroes in action-packed comic book adventures! When tragedy strikes Asgard, Thor must hit back against the ice giant Ymir! The villainous Klaw visits sound and fury on Wakanda - and the Black Panther! T'Challa joins Black Widow, Captain America and the Falcon on a mission to the moon - where awaits a deadly weapon powered by shards of the Cosmic Cube! Scott 'Ant-Man' Lang lives up to the Hank Pym's heroic legacy when he teams with the Wasp for a return trip to Dimension Z - home of the Living Eraser! And Carol Danvers flies into action as the mighty Captain Marvel! Collecting: Thor: Where Walk The Frost Giants 1, Black Panther: The Sound and The Fury 1, Avengers: Shards of Infinity 1, Ant-Man and The Wasp: Living Legends 1, Captain Marvel: TBD Disney 1