AV Vallejo World of Tanks - Miniatures Game Paint Set

AV Vallejo World of Tanks – Miniatures Game Paint Set

RRP: £24.99
Now £22.39(SAVE 10%)
RRP £24.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Includes 3 World of Tanks: Miniatures Game cards and a detailed step-by-step guide to help players get more out of their World of Tanks miniatures, including basic painting techniques and detailed easy-to-follow instructions for painting the armor and tracks of the tanks on the game. The World of Tanks: Miniatures Game paint set is the result of the collaboration between Gale Force …
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Includes 3 World of Tanks: Miniatures Game cards and a detailed step-by-step guide to help players get more out of their World of Tanks miniatures, including basic painting techniques and detailed easy-to-follow instructions for painting the armor and tracks of the tanks on the game.

The World of Tanks: Miniatures Game paint set is the result of the collaboration between Gale Force Nine and Vallejo. World of Tanks is the online world’s biggest, Guiness World Record Holding, MMO* game, which is now brought to life with World of Tanks: Miniatures Game.

* Massive Multiplayer Online.