Aurelion, Aeon Weaver

Aurelion, Aeon Weaver

RRP: £19.50
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Having long served the Empyreans as a Weaver in their wars of unification, for a time Aurelion retreated to the sanctity of the Great Constellation before being recalled to service. Having been initiated into the secrets of the Architect’s divine engineering, Aurelion has integrated all manners of potent and powerful arcane machinery into his strange form. Key Features: Can channe…
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Category SKU ZWCS-PIP87031 Availability Backorder
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Having long served the Empyreans as a Weaver in their wars of unification, for a time Aurelion retreated to the sanctity of the Great Constellation before being recalled to service. Having been initiated into the secrets of the Architect’s divine engineering, Aurelion has integrated all manners of potent and powerful arcane machinery into his strange form.

Key Features:

Can channel Fury Cyphers.
When you channel a Fury through this model while it is charged, the target of the attack suffers –1 ARM until the attack is resolved.
When you channel a Fury Cypher through this model, after the attack is resolved, this model can spike to return the Cypher card to your hand.