Attack on Titan: Origins of Power Temporary Reprieve Playmat

Attack on Titan: Origins of Power Temporary Reprieve Playmat

RRP: £24.99
Now £21.89(SAVE 12%)
RRP £24.99
Expected Release Date 04/03/2025
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Keep your cards safe and show them off in style with this brand new playmat featuring the scout regiment leaders taking a Temporary Reprieve! Each playmat is packaged in a sturdy box suitable for hanging or shelf displays High quality 24 x 14 inch neoprene playmat Smooth surface with rubber backing to keep the mat from slipping Exclusive designs featuring your favorite Attack on…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-JASUVSAOT02PM3 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Keep your cards safe and show them off in style with this brand new playmat featuring the scout regiment leaders taking a Temporary Reprieve!

Each playmat is packaged in a sturdy box suitable for hanging or shelf displays

High quality 24 x 14 inch neoprene playmat

Smooth surface with rubber backing to keep the mat from slipping

Exclusive designs featuring your favorite Attack on Titan characters and scenes from the UniVersus card game!

One of 4 different playmats created for the release of Attack on Titan: Origins of Power!!