Atlantic Wall: D-Day to Falaise

Atlantic Wall: D-Day to Falaise

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ON 6 JUNE 1944 the greatest armada the world has ever seen approached northern France. Opposing them was Germanyā€™s veteran Wehrmacht. ATLANTIC WALL is a grand-tactical simulation of that campaign. The counters represent almost every formation that participated at the company and battalion level. Infantry, armor, anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineer, assault gun, howitzer, rocket, p…
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ON 6 JUNE 1944 the greatest armada the world has ever seen approached northern France. Opposing them was Germany?s veteran Wehrmacht. ATLANTIC WALL is a grand-tactical simulation of that campaign. The counters represent almost every formation that participated at the company and battalion level. Infantry, armor, anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineer, assault gun, howitzer, rocket, parachute, ranger, commando, glider and headquarter units are fully represented. Features include Widerstandnesten (resistance nests), Cherbourg?s fortifications and the all-important Bocage. The map portrays all primary and secondary roads, trails and other types of terrain, along with the villages, towns and cities that formed the bastions of German defense. As always with this series, the orders of battle have been extensively researched to provide an accurate and functional depiction of the armies of both sides.